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Jumping on the bandwagon 12 years ago

Just a couple months late, but who cares - I'm the proud purchaser of a new Nexus 7!

I still have to wait to get it, and I'm really hoping I get it this Friday, but it could very easily slip and get to the office on Monday. I don't really care all that much - I'm just stupid excited to get a new tablet. My first generation iPad has been officially deemed 'out-of-touch' and unable to get the iOS6 update, although the frustrations and lagginess had be piling up over the last 10-12 months.

I love my first gen iPad, but it's sad how quickly it was rendered obsolete: probably about a month before the iPad 2 was released (5 or so months after the original was released).

Since my WordPress theming isn't blazing any new trails, maybe I'll enter some experience from my usage of the Nexus 7.

Either that or perhaps my trials in trying to immerse myself in Mozilla's multi-platform Firefox experience.